Bitdeer announces mass production of 4nm BTC mining ASIC chips, and the new generation king of miners, Sealminer A2, is about to go on sale.
SEALMINER A2 Launch Plan 1. Bitdeer’s first batch of miners will be sold in a presale format, with details of the sale below. 2. Priority Purchase Payment: For every $0.99 paid, you unlock the priority right to purchase one SEALMINER. 3. Shipping Order: The shipping order will be determined by the date of receipt of full payment. 4. Purchase Credit: You will receive a $100 purchase credit. 5. Non-refundable, Transferable: The $0.99 paid to unlock the priority purchase right is non-refundable, but the order can be transferred before final payment is completed and shipment is confirmed. 6. Partial Exercise of Purchase Right: The priority of the purchase right can be partially exercised, used as needed. 7. Estimated Shipping Time: Shipping is expected to start in August.
Advanced Chips 16.5J/TH efficiency with SEAL01 Brand-new design architecture that unleashes the great potential of these chips 4 nm process enables both capacity and efficiency Reliable and Durable Optimized for miners’ common problems Handles harsh environments at cold or high temperatures with ease
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